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Realitycraft’s Grow a Home series is a pioneering production project to bring together hemp & lime building materials and methods with technology design tools, DIY creativity and functionality for grow-at-home architectural achievements. Next up: vlog series & immersives.

Hemp + Lime Natural Building Series
Plan, grow, design and build new homes with natural materials – use mobile phones, smartglasses, XR & AI technology with your DIY media storytelling tools to grow a home
Evo Heyning, Producer, CEO at Realitycraft
Climate beneficial innovation seies & app shares natural building methods & materials to grow and retrofit homes to help anyone grow a home
Realitycraft: Grow Your Own Home
We are piloting a comprehensive suite of professional concept development and technology services aiding a diverse set of home builders from homeowners to commercial developers.
Renovation and restoration
Whether you’re thinking of a retrofit or a first-time DIY build, we’re here to share what we learn along the way
Video Sharing & Support
Realitycraft has 26 years production experience from web spaces and 3D worlds to apps, film, media & streams
XR & AR App Access
Concept Development to Planning and Permitting, we plan in public to help you prep & plan upcoming projects
Strategic Consulting
With 25 years experience designing spaces and worlds, we use every tech tool in the book with you and share how it’s done in our vlog and streams
Project Management
From first sketches to VR, volumetric lightfield scans and 3D models into professional construction apps, we help you use building solutions
Architectural Solutions
Partnered Architectural Solutions provide a path to go from ideation through to completion on your site and we’ll share what we find along the way
Realitycraft Resourcing
Our comprehensive suite of professional services in development caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from DIY builders and homeowners to commercial developers. We specialize in worldbuilding technology tools and methods.
Testing Grow a Home App from Realitycraft
- Collaborate with designers, architects and permit offices.
- Showcase your projects, plan and estimate.
- Use VR, XR or AR interfaces to experience your world of architecture from the inside out.
- Test your design ideas in a headset and in the space before building it out.

Generations on LinkedIn
- Thought-provoking articles on AI & XR.
- Articles Comparing Generative Media Tools
- Case studies that celebrate design, creativity and technology used to solve meaningful challenges.
- Exclusive access to design insights.
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